GCVA State of the Nation 2024 vol. 2

GCVA State of the Nation 2024 vol. 2
Full content is restricted access for members only.
Explore our membership optionsThe seventh edition of this report presents the topline findings below:
39.7% of buyers purchasing gift cards for self-use stated they were doing so to save money.
Employers saw gift cards as a good medium to provide additional support and incentives.
Among consumers who purchased at least one gift card over H1 2024, 31.1% had gone digital.
14.8% cosumers intend to purchase more gift cards this Christmas vs last year, with 27.5% planning to buy the same amount.
Expiry dates were cited by 20% of UK consumers as a barrier to purchase, despite 99% of consumers typically redeeming within a year of receipt.
The reason ‘gift cards don’t feel thoughtful enough’, was cited as a barrier by 28% of all UK consumers, 33.1% of these being Baby Boomers.
Approx. a fifth of shoppers who bought gift cards for themselves cited the reason of wanting to support local businesses.
Among those who received a gift card in the past year, 63% had been introduced to a new brand via gift cards, with 22% becoming regular customers.
Regarding spending or redeeming, 61% of shoppers claim to have spent more than the value of the gift card when using it.
55.3% of GCVA members have highlighted personalised products being an important trend for the industry in the next 1-3 years.
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